A new Serenity Prayer for our times

The home of Jerome and Rose Beeck, childhood home of my friend Keizo, in Sheboygan County, Wis. where I’ve retreated many times. Photo: Gerald Farinas.

God, grant me the strength to stand firm for truth,

The resilience to face a world that feels uncertain,

And the wisdom to build bridges where possible.

Help me to find peace amid the turmoil,

To embrace hope without naivety,

And to remember that change comes through unity, courage, and persistence.

Grant me the patience to listen deeply,

The clarity to discern what I can influence,

And the resolve to be part of the solutions that align with my values.

Let me hold close compassion and integrity,

And empower me to keep moving forward,

In hope, resilience, and peace.


An Advent candle liturgy for hope, The Way, joy, peace


Decompress and heal after the tumult