God speaks in so many languages

With the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Barbara Cathey and Rev. Amy Pagliarella, our community came together to make a brief statement of who we are as a congregation. Members of the congregation huddled together through several retreats to form the statement and adopt it.

WE ARE a multicultural. mulltiracial congregation that honors the dignity of all people as created in the image of God. As disciples of Christ, we are empowered by the Spirit to embody God’s inclusive love through vibrant worship, caring community, and acts of compassion and justice in our neighborhood and world.

WE COME FROM Nigeria and Nebraska; Colorado and Cameroon, Kenya and Kansas; Indiana and India. We are young and seasoned. Some grew up in the church and others are seeking a spiritual home. We represent many religious, educational, and socioeconomic backgrounds and varied sexual orientations. Most of us have lived in Edgewater at some point, and many of us still do, while others commute from around Chicago.

WE COME TOGETHER out of love for God and our neighbors.   We join together for worship, music, celebration, Bible study, prayer, community, and serving our neighborhood — and for having fun!

WE BELIEVE that church is the place where you come as you are, however you are. We welcome you to bring your whole self — your questions and convictions, your faith and your doubts, your fears and your hopes. We hope you will explore with our warm, accepting community what it means to live fully, lovingly, and joyfully.


Just a thought: Free mercy